Thursday, May 28, 2015

Artist Statements

One of the artists that I have chosen is Mattias Klum.  He is a photographer and film maker who strives to bring change.  He photographs in remote areas of not only the nature but of the culture and wildlife that inhabit it.  His mission is “to embody the beauty, fragility and threats found in our world today.  To inform, educate and inspire people to act towards a sustainable tomorrow.”  He is active in protecting the environment and wildlife by his photography and films.  The second photographer I have chosen is Ansel Adams.  He also inspired people of the beauty of nature in his work and why we should conserve it.  He also went as far as lobbying congressmen, cabinet officers, and presidents for protecting are wilderness.  My third photographer, William Eggelston, has nothing to do with the first two photographers.  His styles is capturing the everyday realities of life and create art from it.  Most people don’t view his work as art and compare it to snapshots.  But I enjoy the subjects in his photo and the color schemes in his collections.
The two different styles both focus in a lot on the reality of life as a main goal.  The two styles capture the culture of the environment whether it is a tribe in the amazon or the lifestyle of a city.  But the two are still very different in what they capture.  I don’t dislike either of the two even though they are very different because I can not only appreciate the art that they make but the meaning behind it.  I do like the work of Klum and Adams more though because I stand by them in wanting to protect our world and all of its wild life.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 3 Readings

            I learned a lot from the Writing Identities because it went in depth about the different categories of rhetoric.  I agree that how you portray yourself can affect your credibility as a writer to the audience.  People will listen when they think you know what you are talking about rather than taking anyone’s word. It’s always natural to second guess the writer by wondering where they learned their information and how up to date it is.   I notice how people will come off in a different way not only in their writing but though verbal communication to seem more credible depending on the topic.  I think the only time a person doesn’t change to earn credibility is if they are talking to a close relative or friend.  I know when I speak to someone I’m close with I don’t feel the need to change my rhetoric because we have already built that trust through whatever relationship we have.  This topic of reading really became clear for me when they used the resume example in the back.  I remember having to start my resume when I was sixteen with no previous job experience.  It was really hard not having much to put down but I thought of any volunteer work, all the school awards, and different skills I had to seem like a great employee.  Now when I update I still have to think about how can I show off being a great employee yet keep it short and to the point. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Comic response

I hated this assigned reading.  I don’t care for the comic book layout because it can get distracting and takes longer for me to read.  There are all these bubbles everywhere that form conversation and sometimes I would read a bubble too soon and the conversation would be all mixed up.  Plus there are all these illustrations that distract me because all I want to do as an art kid is look at pretty pictures.  And this writing didn’t go very in depth like Murder! Rhetorically Speaking did.  It gave a definition along with a very brief example of it and that’s all.  Reading it again I now see terms in this one that I didn’t see before when I first read it.  I think that has to do with being distracted with the illustrations and mixing up the dialog.  Another thing I noticed with this reading assignment is that it is very disconnected.  The writing doesn’t flow into the next part very well and it can also seem disconnected by the different scene layouts.  The Murder! Rhetorically Speaking flowed much better with the single scene of a murder case just breaking down the parts. In this comic we got movie theaters, alien ships, street scenes, classrooms, offices. Too much separation and I’m not even quite sure what was going on with page three’s scene.  I think the creators of this were trying to help us understand with the illustrations and try making it more fun but it wasn’t working for me.

Reaction to Murder! Rhetorically Speaking

While reading Murder! Rhetorically Speaking it was a lot simpler to understand than the other reading.  I like how it broke each of the sections down and gave example writings for them all.  This piece of writing was way more clear that the comic one when it came down to explaining the vocabulary such as diction, jargon, and colloquial.  It was also easier for me to take these scenarios and think how it would be for photographers. For example, giving a lot of detailed information like the detectives to clients about plans for upcoming shoots.  Also the writings form the coroners were also similar to the way photographers would to talk to assistants.  There are a lot of details but also technical words for the equipment and terms that if you are not a photographer you may not understand.  The saying goodbye and the lawyer sections I didn’t think really connected with photography.  There may be times that we can have a tone of a lawyer to promote our ideas and works but we aren’t proving many points and convincing others.  The saying goodbye part doesn’t connect with photography at all.  That section was more of a personal life connection of how we can talk to friends and family.  It made me realize how many ways people communicate with others based on the relationship or profession.  And most of the time we don’t even realize how we change the way we communicate and sometimes we do make that conscious decision to sound more professional in certain situations.  But the only problem I had with this text was how long it was.  If I am not interested in what I am reading I tend to zone out after awhile.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

About Me

I  was born in San Bernadino, CA where I lived until I was six years old.  I was a bit of a crazy child because I did things most parents wouldn't think they would have to face when having children.  I became an honorary Hells Angel when I was three because one of the club houses was right down the street from my house.  They saw me riding my tricycle one day and made me a "member" just trying to be nice but it freaked my mother out when she saw a bunch of grown sketchy men surrounding her daughter.  When I was five  I chopped off most of my hair due to watching the movie Mulan.  I was a bit too inspired by her so in attempt to be like her I went into the bathroom with a pair of scissors to become a boy.  My mom yet again caught me and and put a stop to me fighting for my country in place of my father.  I did a lot more crazy things when living down there but then I moved up to Northern California and continued my wild antics.  I only calmed down because when I was a freshman in high school I suffered from REALLY bad acne, total pizza face, so I became a hermit.  That kept me in my house all the time and out of trouble.  My father got me into photography when I was 12 and bought me my first camera.  He has always been supportive of me doing photography and then the night I took him to dinner to tell him I would be starting Brooks he said, "You know Emily you should become a flight attendant.  You're friendly and love to fly." Completely threw me off guard and then I had to follow up with my college plans of not becoming a flight attendant.  I love to listen to all types of music all the time.  I also am a huge movie fan and always up to watch a movie even if it's those straight to DVD lame ones.  I really love Wes Anderson movies because they are weird like me and Christopher Nolan movies because they are so dramatic.  I REFUSE TO WATCH MOVIES ABOUT ANIMALS.  That is nothing but me crying for two hours because they are all depressing.  I love all animals and will freakout of any that I see and will try pet it.  Lets see..
I love to travel
I love flamingos
I love to eat
I love Bill Murray (another reason to love Wes Anderson films)
and that's about it.