Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Comic response

I hated this assigned reading.  I don’t care for the comic book layout because it can get distracting and takes longer for me to read.  There are all these bubbles everywhere that form conversation and sometimes I would read a bubble too soon and the conversation would be all mixed up.  Plus there are all these illustrations that distract me because all I want to do as an art kid is look at pretty pictures.  And this writing didn’t go very in depth like Murder! Rhetorically Speaking did.  It gave a definition along with a very brief example of it and that’s all.  Reading it again I now see terms in this one that I didn’t see before when I first read it.  I think that has to do with being distracted with the illustrations and mixing up the dialog.  Another thing I noticed with this reading assignment is that it is very disconnected.  The writing doesn’t flow into the next part very well and it can also seem disconnected by the different scene layouts.  The Murder! Rhetorically Speaking flowed much better with the single scene of a murder case just breaking down the parts. In this comic we got movie theaters, alien ships, street scenes, classrooms, offices. Too much separation and I’m not even quite sure what was going on with page three’s scene.  I think the creators of this were trying to help us understand with the illustrations and try making it more fun but it wasn’t working for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, I feel exactly the same as you. When I was reading the comic I’ve got a little confused by all the things that were going on in the page. So, after a while I’ve decided to just ignore everything and read only the balloons, like an actual text. Probably that wasn’t the intention of the writers, so I think they’ve failed too. Even though in my opinion, it was nice the intention they’ve had and what they’ve tried to do, they haven’t achieved their goal. It would be much easier to write a regular text, that way they would avoid what happened to us: you not being able to read in the right order and getting confused by the drawing, and on my case, me just ignoring everything else and just reading it like a regular text.
    Another problem with this text was the lack of examples and explanations, because of the format that they’ve chosen, they weren’t able to develop the subject and give a clear explanation like the on “ Murder! Rhetorically” one. They were more concern about doing it in the comic format than actually explain the subject.
