Sunday, July 19, 2015

Artifacts Analysis

Been slackin on the postin

Emily Chavez
Artifact Analysis
Artifact1: Model Release
            The genre of this artifact is one that photographers use in almost every job they have.  The conventions of this piece is to have all the information of the model, photographer’s information, a contract stating all terms of the agreement, damages rights, and finally signatures of all parties.  It’s important to have all the information of your model so you can get ahold of them in the future if needed for more jobs or legal actions.  The purpose for a model release is for the photographer to legally sell the images to affiliates, licensees, agents, and anything else they may want to do in the future.  The contracts for the release agreements are kept short and clear.  It’s easy to get confused when talking about legal conditions so it’s best to make everything clear for the reader. Artifact style is a contract that is clear and as short as possible.   The tone of this piece of writing is very professional and establishes Pathos.  It’s comforting for a model to know the photographer is professional and will take care of their image so the models credibility won’t be damaged.  There is also Logos in the way the photographer has to set up legal boundaries to protect the images, model rights, and photographer’s rights.  The only audience that reads this artifact is the photographer, model, sometimes model’s guardians, and future clients buying the image.  It’s important that this release is kept confidential due to the model’s personal information shown.  

Artifact 2: Delivery Memo
            The genre of this artifact is a delivery memo.  The purpose of this artifact is to inform and show proof of the images being delivered that way no companies or clients can claim a photographer hasn’t delivered.  The conventions are the photographer’s information, delivery information, date, model information, copyright and metadata terms, and the usage of images. Adding in your information is another easy way for the client to be able to contact you again if needed or for the future.  It is important to add in all the information of the delivery.  It needs to show who it was delivered to, the date it was delivered, how it was delivered, and what files it contained.  That way, if somehow the files weren’t received the photographer is covered and delivery is insured.  The copyright and metadata protection is a very important part for a photographer.  You want to make sure your work is copyrighted with your name so another photographer can’t claim it.  One way to prove it is your photograph is to make sure the metadata is kept embedded into the files.  Its shows its copyrighted and who the image belongs to along with the equipment information which the photographer may need to know if the future.  I think this delivery memo also shows some credibility as a photographer.  I would trust and respect a photographer more if they documented a delivery because it shows they want to make sure the delivery went through and shows they are organized.  The tone and style of this writing artifact is very short and professional.  The delivery memo doesn’t need to be a paragraph and long because it is only a notification.

Artifact 3:
            The genre of the last artifact is a chapter from a book he wrote.  The purpose of this writing was to teach upcoming photographers about light.  All photographers need to know the six different qualities of light, light range, and all the equipment it takes to modify or create light.  The convention of this learning piece is it including information, tips, different sub chapters, Q&A inserts, and problem solving situations.  I learned it helps to have typical problem solving tips in these types of writings because it helps the readers who are looking to improve their photography.  The same goes for the Questions & Answers sections because they may read directly a question they have.  There isn’t a sentence in this writing artifact that isn’t information towards photography. It is kept very clear and simple to understand for the readers who may not know too much of the technical parts of photography.  The tone in this writing artifact is a lot different than the other two.  The first two are very professional and blunt compared to this writing artifact because they were both for meant to other professionals to read.  For this artifact it’s kept at a professional level but is relatable to everyone.  It has more of a friendly tone to it probably to attract attention and not be intimidating. 

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